Public transportation is a convenient way to get around town or to use it as a mean of getting to and from work. However, just like that any motorized vehicle that is operated by a human, there is the risk of an accident.
Today, we will go over how the claims work, because you as the passenger, have rights to pursue legal compensation for your injuries.
To bring an injury claim, you should contact a bus accident lawyer, and you will need to prove that the public transit operator was negligent.
Four points that must be met in order to get compensation for your injuries:
The at-fault party owed you a duty of care;
The driver of the bus ALWAYS has duty of care to their passengers.
The at-fault party breached that duty of care;
This entails the driver of the bus did something on purpose that put the passengers’ life at risk.
For example: speeding/disobeying traffic laws.
The injuries incurred were caused by the at-fault party;
If for example a passenger was involved and was a contributing factor in the result of the accident, then MAYBE the passenger might also be held responsible, but, it all depends.
You must be able to show that you suffered injuries
These can include; financial and nonfinancial damages.
How much time do I have to file?
Within the state of California, if the public transportation company is a government entity, THEN, they have to file a notice of claim within 6 months of the accident.
Thus, with all the different elements that must be met to have a personal injury claim because of the negligence of a public transport company, you must consult an experienced bus accident attorney that understands these details so that you can get the best guidance on what to do for your personal case.